Facebook, Meetup & Me

Image by tierramwilson via Flickr

Tonight I am giving a little talk at my good mate @BernieJMitchell's London Meetup Organisers Group, (they are people who organise groups in London using the site - Meetup.com - does what it says on the tin really doesn't it?!)

The subject of the talk and the prezi below is looking at how you can use Facebook and Meetup together to get people more engaged in community groups.

Meetup and Facebook share a lot of similarities so it's great to see how you can integrate the two together. Meetup's themselves have been springing up recently around all sorts of subjects, from the #140conf meetup groups that me and Bernie and others (@LeeSmallwood and @JeffPulver) have been involved with for a year or so now, to groups around Mashable, Evernote and the Huffington post.

Some of the most interesting London groups include:

All well worth checking out... And now for the Prezi...

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