400 Years: The King James Bible - Still going strong! (Infographic)

It may not be your Bible of choice, but the King James Version has been around the block a few times, and despite the lack of red letter sections, bibliographies or an intensive concordance, it has stood the test of time - 400 years to be precise. To mark the occasion YouVersion, makers of the world's number one Bible app, is challenging people across the globe to simultaneously read the Bible in 400 seconds to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.

Participants have just 6 minutes, 40 seconds (or 400 minutes) to play their part in history and read one of the most influential and widely read books in human history. Anyone who signs up for the challenge will be instructed to read a small section of the Bible at 5pm on May 2nd, 400 years since the Church of England published the King James Version of the Bible.

To register for the event, participants will need to visit http://youversion.com/kjv400 sign up, and they'll see the scripture they've been allocated to read on the site. They have also put together this very cool infographic - which I share for your statistic addiction pleasure!

Disclaimer: YouVersion is a client of Lexis PR - for whom I work - however as a Christian and avid personal fan of the App I share this with you!